Welcome to Avira Day Spa | Body to Body Massage in kalyani nagar pune
Open Hours: 10:00 A.M to 10:00 P.M Contact: +91 9766352752
At the end of a long day, many people enjoy giving or receiving a foot massage. Foot massage can aid relaxation and may relieve muscle aches..
Some foot massage techniques we use:
Warmup twists
Warmup twists are one way to start a foot massage. To use this technique:
1. Place the palms on either side of the foot
2. Gently pull the right side of the foot forward while pushing the left side back
3. Push the left side of the foot back while pulling the right side forward
4. Repeat this twisting motion, working the hands from the ankle to the toes
The gentle twisting motion helps warm up the foot in preparation for further massage.